Sideline Behaviour


This policy is shared across FC Tauranga Moana (FCTM) and its affiliated clubs to outline a shared responsibility of our members and supporters when representing the club. It supports the NZ Football Code of Conduct (a copy can be found on in the side panel) to maintain the best environment for players, coaches, officials and supporters.


Members and supporters should at all times:

Respect Officials

● Understand that mistakes will be made, and they don’t have the luxury of VAR.
● Help the referee by offering to be an assistant.

Sideline Support

● Leave coaches to provide directions from the sideline.
     ○ Advice from supporters may not be consistent with what coaches have provided, & therefore cause confusion.
● Position yourself at the opposite side of the pitch to the coach/coaches.
● Positive support is encouraged, especially during the tough moments.
● Respect and be a good sport to your team, coaches and opposition.
● Applaud effort over outcome.
● Let the players play the game and enjoy watching them play.

Complaints Process

If you witness poor sideline behaviour from a member of our club, or the opposition, that contradicts this policy, we encourage you to report this by emailing All reports will be treated confidentially. Our team will then:

1) Observe and, if required, speak directly to the member/supporter.
2) If poor sideline behaviour continues, the Technical Director will speak directly to the member/supporter.
3) If required, the member/supporter will be formally requested to a meeting with a Disciplinary Committee, with possible consequences where the player will be impacted (playing time, removal from tournaments etc).

In the case of an opposition player, we will speak with the club in question. If necessary, we can also report this to WaiBOP or NRF for further action.

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